Rabbi Elizabeth S. Wood

Rabbi Elizabeth S. Wood
Celebrating Havdallah

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reflection and Connection for the 5771 HHD

My (new) congregation is doing a "Reflection and Connection" book for the upcoming Jewish High Holidays. Each family, that wants to participate, is asked to reflect on either a favorite High Holiday memory, what it is that they are most grateful for, or hopes and dreams for the new year ahead. And it has to be 100 words or less.

I decided to reflect on a memory. Here's what I submitted:

An unspoken bond in our family. We waited for it each year, that moment of musical ecstasy. I would watch as my father bowed his head and my mother closed her eyes. My brother would sway to that familiar melody. Avinu Malkeinu. The organ swelled, the four part choir sang with beauty, clarity. I could feel my soul being lifted by the music, the moment, the awesomeness of it all. Every year I wait for that moment when I'm connected to my family, my heritage, my memories. I wait for that moment when my soul is lifted on high and I am renewed.

What favorite memory of the High Holidays comes to your mind? Or, what are you most grateful for? What do you hope this new year will bring?


Anonymous said...

What a lovely project. Has there been enthusiastic response from the congregants??

Elizabeth Wood said...

So far, yes! I can't wait to see the book when it gets produced. It's all via email, so people can just type up their stories and submit, and people LOVE that.